Officer Biographies

Treasurer Cody Walker

Some of Cody’s earliest memories are of being by his father's side as he was working on things. Cody was expected to fetch stuff and lend a hand if able. He recalls pressing the brake pedal and holding it as his father bled the brakes when his legs were so short that he had to sit in the floorboard to do it. Those experiences instilled in him a love of working with his hands.

Cody’s first exposure to woodturning was to buy the cheapest of lathes and make a cradle over 30 years ago. He did not know the proper techniques and did more sanding than turning on that project. While the cradle is a treasured item in his house, the cheap lathe was never used after that project.

In 2013 while on vacation in Hawaii he paid way too much money for a turned mechanical pencil. After studying the pencil, he decided that he would like to do something like that and started researching pen making on the Internet. Cody purchased a Jet lathe and started making pens. He then branched out into bowls and bought a second and larger Nova lathe. Cody later discovered the Richmond Penturners club and subsequently the Richmond Woodturners and here he is.

Officers for 2024

Title Name Contact
President Steve Kellner
Vice President Ron Bishop
Treasurer Cody Walker
Secretary Chuck Horton

Directors for 2024

Title Name Contact
Activities Director John Daniel
Information Director Neal Stublen
Membership Director Chuck Bajnai
Newsletter Editor Larry Yancey
Audio-Video Director Jared Parker
Resource Director Vacant

More Key Volunteers

Title Name Contact
AAW Women in Turning Liaison Meg Turner