Club Video, Demo Handouts, and Tool Lending Library,

To see the tool list, scroll down past the videos and handouts.

Club Videos

David Sterling Beads and Coves with a Spindle Gouge

For our October 2023 meeting, David Sterling gave a demo on turning beads and coves with a spindle gouge. Watch the evening's video on YouTube. Be sure to check out the other shop tours on this page, too!

Shop Tours with Stan VanDruff and Ray Deyo

For our September 2023 meeting, we gathered to watch video tours of two of our members. Each video is 20–30 minutes long and teaches us great new ways to handle things in our own shop. YouTube holds the videos for Stan VanDruff and Ray Deyo. Be sure to check out the other shop tours on this page, too!

Turning for Carving

Dave Bushman shows how to layout and turn a bowl designed to have carved feet. See it on YouTube

Wood Finishing Discussion

Several of our members talk about their favorite finish, and a deep discussion ensues. See it on YouTube

Brian Noble Marx Turns an Ovoid Bowl

Richmond Local Brian Noble Marx shows his technique for turning his signature ovoid bowl while he gives tips on perfecting the form. You can watch the replay on YouTube

Shop Tours with Cody Walker and John Daniel

For our April 2023 meeting, we gathered to watch Ray Deyo host video shop tours of two of our members. Each video is 20–30 minutes long and teaches us great new ways to handle things in our own shop. YouTube holds the videos for Cody Walker and John Daniel.Be sure to check out the other shop tours on this page, too.

Turning a Goblet with a Captive Ring by Robert Gundel

For our March 2023 meeting, our own Robert Gundel demonstrated how to turn a goblet with captive rings. You can watch the replay on YouTube.

Shop Tours with Jerry Harvey and Dan Luttrell

For our September 2022 meeting, we gathered to watch Ray Deyo host video shop tours of two of our members. Each video is 15–30 minutes long and teaches us great new ways to handle things in our own shop. YouTube holds the videos for Jerry Harvey and Dan Luttrell.

Shop Tours with Tim Warren and Chuck Horton

For our June 2022 meeting, we gathered to watch Ray Deyo host video shop tours of two of our members. Each video is approximately 30 minutes long and teaches us great new ways to handle things in our own shop. YouTube holds the videos for Tim Warren and Chuck Horton.

Mini Demos on Embellishing

For our April 2022 meeting, five members gave their tips and techniques for embellishing turnings. Watch the whole evening via this YouTube playlist, or watch them individually:

Shop Tours with Bob Silkensen and Steve Schwartz

For our March 2022 meeting, we gathered to watch Ray Deyo host video shop tours of two of our members. Each video is approximately 30 minutes long and teaches us great new ways to handle things in our own shop. YouTube holds the videos for Bob Silkensen and Steve Schwartz.

Jamieson Hollowing Rig

Steve Schwartz recorded a quick video on the club's hollowing rig that any member can use in his/her own shop. Watch it on YouTube, then try your hand at a hollow form!

Cody Walker Pen Turning

In preparation for the Make It Write: Bruce Robbins Memorial Challenge, Cody describes different ways to make a pen (kit, kitless, on mandrel, between centers, etc.), as well as the materials and finishes you can use. Then he turns and assembles a Wall Street II pen start to finish. Watch it on YouTube and be sure to download his resources PDF.

Dave Bushman Carving

Watch Dave give a great demonstration on how he carves feet on his bowls and how he transforms bowl sides into leaves or flower petals.

Shop Tours with Barbara Dill and Larry Yancy

For our September 2021 meeting, we gathered to watch Ray Deyo host video shop tours of two of our members. Each video is approximately 30 minutes long and teaches us great new ways to handle things in our own shop. YouTube holds the videos for Barbara Dill and Larry Yancy.

Bob Silkensen—Bowl Bottom Tip

Bob filmed this quick tip in his own shop to help us all keep from turning our bowls into funnels. Watch it

Steve Schwartz—Silhouette Embellishment

In this July 2020 meeting of the Richmond Woodturners, member Steve Schwartz shows how he uses home made stencils to embellish bowls and platters. Watch it

Shop Tours with Steve Kellner, David Bushman, and Katherine Harris

For our June 2021 meeting, we gathered to watch Ray Deyo host video shop tours of three of our members. Each video is approximately 30 minutes long and teaches us great new ways to handle things in our own shop. YouTube holds the videos for Steve Kellner, David Bushman, and Katherine Harris.

Piercing a Hollow Sphere with Dan Luttrell

Our April 2021 demo, held via Zoom, was Piercing a Hollow Sphere by Dan Luttrell, recorded in his home shop by Stan VanDruff. Dan routinely wows club members with his pierced forms that include footballs, baseballs, baseball bats, Christmas ornaments, and even a three-legged stool. Here Dan guides us through his process of creating a hollow sphere then piercing it. Be sure to read Dan’s frequently asked questions.

Photography Discussion Panel

Our March 2021 demo, held via Zoom, was a photography discussion panel composed of local members. There was quite a variety of approaches and cameras covered tonight, all with the same goal of presenting wood turnings in the best possible light.

Wood Discussion Panel

Our November 2020 demo, held via Zoom, was a wood discussion panel with six of our local members. Most of the panel talked about their favorite woods, why they liked those woods and shared some examples of their work.

Ray Deyo started the panel with a discussion about properties and characteristics of wood and how knowing them helps him be a better turner.

Next, Barbara Dill talks about her history with wood, turning, and of course, her favorites.

Ron Bishop tells of his love affair with black cherry.

Jim Bumpas tells us his favorite wood is free wood, then goes on to show some magnificent examples. Along the way, he mentions things he goes searching for, and those that he shies away from.

Dan Luttrell talks about some of his favorite woods, but also dives into the piercing he is known for.

And Steve Schwartz wraps up the discussion with one of his favorites, Ash. He also says that you need to determine what you want to make before you can decide what kind of wood you want to use. And he talks about the importance of embellishment to him.

Ted Beebe—Lathe-Turned Guitar

Ted Beebe gave this demonstration to the Richmond Woodturners on his lathe-turned guitars. You may not want to turn a guitar, but this video is full of design and problem-solving ideas.

During his shop tour early in the video, Ted mentioned the lean bar he built for his lathe. This video has more detail.

Ted mentioned this American Woodturner article as his inspiration: Concepts for a Woodturner's Guitar by Bernie Hrytzak in American Woodturner June 2016 pages 30–35 (AAW members only)

Ted’s book recommendation for basic guitarmaking: Step-by-Step Guitar Making by Alex Willis

Chuck Horton—Coring Demo

In this September 2019 Zoom meeting of the Richmond Woodturners, member Chuck Horton shows how to use the McNaughton Coring System. Watch it

Bob Silkensen—Rudy Osolnik-Style Candlesticks

Bob made this video in his own shop to show everything you need to make a pair or trio of these stylish and recognizable candlesticks. Watch it

Bruce Robbins—Tops, Beginner to Advanced

Bruce started with numerous examples of show, tell, and spin. He gave sources for many exotic materials you might want to experiment with and turned a tippe top live. Watch it

Cody Walker—Handles & Feet (Teapot)

Cody steps us through his process of turning multi-axis teapots. This is our first online video; we lost the recording from the main camera, but had good overhead footage. Watch it. Be sure to see Cody's handout too.

Max Brosi—“Whale Bone”

Visiting from Ireland, Max Brosi shows us how he turns his multi-axis sculpture reminiscent of a whale vertebrae. The full demo is available on DVD in the club library, but here is a teaser video on YouTube.

Demo Handouts

Tool Lending Library

How to Use the Library

The library is currently in a metal cabinet in the storage room across from the demo space. Please see a libraian for access.